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Mary: Theology, Culture, Devotion & Theotokos: Devotional

Designed for graduate and undergraduate classes, but useful for anyone doing research on Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Marian Devotees

An enormous number of recognized saints had (and have) an intense devotion to Mary, but certain ones were especially known for their dedication to her, being inspired by her, even being contacted by her.  Here are some of them:

Francis of Assisi

Gertrude of Helfta

John Lydgate

Ignatius of Loyola

Margaret Mary Alacoque

Juan Diego

Bernadette Soubirous

G M Hopkins on Mary

The link below is to the text of Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem, put online by Father Stephen, an Orthodox priest:

Prayers for May

Prayers for May contains links to individual prayers devoted to Mary.  From

Marian Devotional Sources

For devotional books in LINUS and LINK+, use the Subject Heading:

            Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint - Meditations


For information about feasts, titles, iconography and more see:

The Mary Page (Univ. of Dayton)


For Latin lyrics of some major hymns to Mary, with English translations, see:

To the Virgin Mary (Schola Cantorum Bogotensis)

One of several widely differing versions by Fra Angelico


The Annunciation

Fra Angelico,ca.1395-1455
Monastery of San Marco, Florence

 Image in the public domain: from Wikipedia Commons