To avoid creating unnecessary (and confusing) duplicates of the FYS Information Literacy Tutorials in your Brightspace course and gradebook, please use the “Select Components” option instead of the “Copy All Components” option under the “Import/Export/Copy Components” menu.
Below are “how to do” tutorials to follow and avoid this mistake. Please review this material, available both as a video and written instructions before copying content from your previous FYS course to your new course version on Brightspace.
Please review the following video for instructions on how to properly delete the duplicate modules and/or reach out to Darlene for troubleshooting.
Each college or school at LMU has dedicated technology personnel. Your Instructional Technologist is here to help integrate technology into teaching and research to best fit your needs and goals. If you want to do something technology-related in class and don't know how, we'll help you get there. ITS Instructional Tech helps with:
Data Visualization
Digital Storyteling
The Instructional Design Librarian, Darlene Aguilar, helps with anything related to the tutorials, but for additional Brightspace assistance, please contact your ITS.
Each tutorial is worth 30 points. To adjust the tutorial grading to better fit your course, consider adding weighted grades. Please reach out to your ITS for help with creating weighted grades.