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Implementing the Information Literacy Tutorial in Your First Year Seminar

Practical advice and how-to information for incorporating the information literacy tutorial, The Lion's Guide To Research And The Library, in your first year seminar course.

Defaults for Tutorial Grading

There are 4 modules in the Information Literacy tutorial. The entire tutorial is worth 120 points total. Module scores are automatically generated.

  • Starting Your Assignment Module = 30 points 
  • Types of Information Module = 30 points 
  • Finding Books Module = 30 points
  • Finding Articles Module = 30 points

Default settings for Brightspace grading keep a running total of student grades and DO NOT count non-zero grades for students.

Reading the Information Literacy Tutorial Grades in Brightspace

Brightspace are available to Faculty and Content Editors under Content > "Grades" heading at the top of every course. For more information about Brightspace grading, see Brightspace documentation and videos.

grades sheet in FFYS course

Final Grade Options in Brightspace

FYS Faculty and Instructors are encouraged to integrate the Information Literacy Tutorial into their grading schema. Your ITA can help you set up the grading in Brightspace and explain weighted options. Here are few ways to use the modules grading:

Option A: Using Subtotal

Allow the points scored on the modules to count toward the student’s grade in Brightspace. Course editors can use the "Subtotal" of the Information Literacy Tutorial category as the student grade. In Brightspace, login and view Grades > Enter Grades. The "Subtotal" column next the the last module (FA_ Module) is the sum of all modules for the students. Use this points schema or percentage as 10% of final grade.

Note: this subtotal does not count empty grades against the student.

Option B: Pass/Fail

The faculty member can assign the modules as pass/fail. The library is recommending 75% or above as the threshold for passing. In Brightspace, login and view Grades > Enter Grades. Look at each module column to determine if student receives credit.

Option C: Modules with Other Participation

Assign each of the 4 sections as separate homework assignments. Have students complete modules sequentially over time. Scores in Brightspace count as 5% of course grade. The remaining 5% of Information Literacy course grade is defined through custom, course specific information literacy assignment graded by FFYS Faculty member and/or writing instructor.