LMU has access to thousands of streaming films and video clips, including some documentaries and educational films on various aspects of yoga.
Examples of available videos from LMU's collections include:
LMU has access to thousands of songs and other recordings you can stream, including instrumental music for meditation and recordings of contemporary devotional music and historical recordings, like the Smithsonian Folkways collection.
Subjects: Music
Description: Streaming classical music collection containing complete albums.
Contents: Streaming Audio; Liner Notes
Some highlights of LMU's audio streaming collection include:
Search the LMU library catalog (LINUS) for physical & streaming media by:
1. Entering a keyword or subject, and
2. Limiting by location material type (i.e. streaming video, DVD, etc. )
ARTstor is a digital library of nearly two-million high-quality, authoritative images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences with a suite of software tools to view, present, and manage images for research and educational purposes.
Subjects: Art History, Studio Arts, Humanities
Description: General research database containing images.
Contents: Primary Sources