Subjects: MANY
Description: Search OneSearch, the library catalog, to find books, ebooks, journals, videos, and other materials that LMU owns or subscribes to.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles
The databases listed below are the primary places to search for scholarly journal articles in Theological Studies:
Subjects: Theology
Description: Atlas PLUS is a full-text collection that includes more than 470 journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with content in 16 languages from more than 33 different countries. As of 2019 Atla Catholic Periodical and Literature Index content is incorporated into this resource.
Contents: {}
Subjects: Philosophy, Theology
Description: Research database from Bloomsbury containing full text.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles,
Subjects: Theology
Description: Research database from Alexander Street containing full text volumes of seminal works by worldwide religious thinkers from the early 1900s until the first decade of the 21st century.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; E-books; Bibliographies; Primary Sources
The databases listed below are excellent places to search for scholarly sources on topics that span multiple disciplines:
Subjects: MANY
Description: General research database from EBSCOhost containing full text. Includes materials from 1887-present.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Popular (Non-Scholarly) Articles - Newspapers; Popular (Non-Scholarly) Articles - Magazines; Trade/Professional Articles; Book Reviews
Subjects: Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies, Ethnic Studies
Description: Research database from EBSCOhost containing full text.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Book Chapters
Subjects: MANY
Description: General research database from SAGE Publications containing full text.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Book Reviews
These databases are the best for doing research on topic related to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and New Testament.
Subjects: Classics and Archaeology, Jewish Studies, Biblical Studies
Description: Research database from EBSCOhost containing links to other information sources. Includes materials from late 1970s-present. Mainly focused on ancient Israel and related parts of the Mediterranean region and Ancient Near East. Focused on scholarly study of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and its historical context.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Books; Book Chapters
Subjects: Theological Studies, Biblical studies
Description: Research database from EBSCOhost containing links to other information sources.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Books; Book Reviews
Subjects: Classics and Archaeology, History, Theological Studies
Description: Research database from Brepols Publishing containing links to other information sources. Includes materials from 1928-3 years ago. Mainly focused on ancient Greece, Rome, related parts of the Mediterranean region, and the Ancient Near East.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Books; Book Chapters; Book Reviews
Depending on the research question, the following databases may also be useful:
Subjects: European Studies, History, Sociology, Jewish Studies
Description: Research database from EBSCOhost containing links to other information sources. Includes materials from Journal coverage dates back as far as 1988. This database provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles, book reviews, and feature stories in more than 220 journals devoted to contemporary Jewish and Middle Eastern issues.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Book Reviews
Subjects: History, European Studies, Art History, English
Description: Research database containing links to other information sources. Mainly focused on Europe during 400-1500.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Books
Subjects: Philosophy, Ethics
Description: Research database from EBSCOhost containing full text. Mainly focused on North America and Europe.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Books; Book Reviews
Subjects: Philosophy, Catholic Studies,Ethics
Description: Research database containing full text. Includes materials from 1900s-present. Mainly focused on North America and Europe.
Subjects: Theological Studies, Philosophy, Catholic Studies,Ethics,Jewish Studies
Description: Research database containing links to other information sources. Includes materials from 1950-present. Mainly focused on North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Summaries of articles originally written in English, Hebrew, Afrikaans, and major European languages. Covers theology and religious studies, especially Biblical studies, Christianity, and Judaism.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles