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Michael A. Signer Collection at LMU: Dr. Signer's Writings: Selections

An appreciation of the eminent professor and rabbi, Michael A. Signer, and an appreciation of the collection of his books made available to us by his wife, Betty Signer.

Scholarly Publications

Commentaria: Sacred Texts and Their Commentaries: Jewish, Christian and Islamic.

Professor Signer was one of the founding editors of this prestigious series of monographs.

Writings on Judaism

Michael A. Signer and Susan L. Graham, “Rabbinic Literature,” a special contribution, in Charles Kannengiesser, Handbook of Patristic Exegesis: The Bible in Ancient Christianity, Volume 1 (Leiden: Brill, 2004), 120-44. A nice overview of the subject.

“Do Jews Read the ‘Letter’? Reflections on the Sign (אות) in Medieval Jewish Biblical Exegesis,” in Craig A. Evans and Shemaryahu Talmon, editors. The Quest for Context and Meaning: Studies in Biblical Intertextuality in Honor of James A. Sanders (Leiden: Brill, 1997), 613-24.

“The Land of Israel in Medieval Jewish Exegetical and Polemical Literature,” in The Land of Israel: Jewish Perspectives, ed. Lawrence A. Hoffman [Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986], 210-233

“Trinity, Unity, Idolatry? Medieval and Modern Perspectives on Shittuf,” in Lesarten des jüdisch-christlichen Dialoges: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Clemens Thoma, ed. Silvia Käppeli (Bern: Peter Lang, 2002), 275-84.

"How the Bible Has Been Interpreted in Jewish Tradition." In New Interpreter's Bible, Vol 1, pp65-82.  Nashville: Abingdon, 1994.

Parashat Va'etchanan, Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 (Commentary on the day's Bible text, posted by Brattleboro Area Jewish Community)

Signer, Michael A. 2001. "Abraham: The One and the Many" In Memory and History in Christianity and Judaism, ed. Michael A. Signer, 204 - 212. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.

"Rashi as Narrator" excerpt from  Rashi et la culture juive en France du Nord au moyen age. G. Dahan,  G. Nahon and Elie Nicolas, eds. Paris: E. Peeters, 1997.

Popkin, Richard H. and Michael A. Signer, Eds. Spinoza's Earliest Publication?: The Hebrew Translation of Margaret Fell's 'A Loving Salutation to the Seed of Abraham Among the Jews, Wherever They Are Scattered Up and Down Upon the Face of the Earth.  Wolfeboro NH: Van Gorcum, 1978.

Writings on Jewish-Christian Relations

Writing on the Holocaust

Michael A. Signer, editor.  Humanity at the Limit: The Impact of the Holocaust Experience on Jews and ChristiansIndiana University Press, 2000.

Hanspeter Heinz and Michael A. Signer, editors. Coming Together for the Sake of God: Contributions To Jewish-Christian Dialogue From Post-Holocaust Germany. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2007. 


Michael A. Signer "The Image of Man after Auschwitz: Imago Dei?"  Presentation, Oswiecim, Centre for Dialogue and Prayer, 4.10.2002.

A sense of Rabbi Signer's contributions

This introductory essay by  Franklin T. Harkins to the festschrift in honor of Rabbi Signer, The Transformative Work of Michael A. Signer, gives some idea of Rabbi Signer's contributions to theological, biblical and interreligious scholarship.

Introduction: The Transformative Work of Michael A. Signer

More of Rabbi Signer's Writings

For a more complete list of Rabbi Signer's writings, see the bibliography ("Publications of Michael Signer") on pages 445-451 in this festschrift (celebratory writing) published in his honor:

A Note regarding Basement Storage

Necessitated by the relatively small 'footprint' of the Hannon Library and the need for group study rooms, much of the collection is in Basement Storage.  This designation does not imply any negativity regarding quality!  Most graduate level monographs and many good books at the undergraduate level are in Basement Storage, as they are used less than the books shelved on Level 2 and Level 3.  Basement Storage books are retrievable for guests as well as the LMU Community.  A bonus: books in Basement Storage are in a much more tightly controlled environment regarding temperature and humidity, which means they will last longer!

A Note on Book links

Note that some of the links in the book lists lead to WorldCat locations rather than LMU.  The Hannon Library is in the process of purchasing copies of books in these lists we do not own, when available.