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Eastern Orthodox Christianity: Huffington Ecumenical Inst. @ LMU

A guide to researching the churches of the Eastern Orthodox tradition

The Huffington Ecumenical Institute

The Huffington Ecumenical Institute of Loyola Marymount University follows the pioneering work of Patriarchs and Popes during the last forty years in rapprochement between the Churches of Constantinople and Rome. The goals of the Institute are:

 - to promote the unity of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches

- to provide opportunities for fraternal encounters between these two faith communities

- to provide resources and forums for reflective and frank ecumenical discussion and dialogue at local, regional, national and international levels

- to foster ecclesial and academic interest and leadership in constructive ecumenism

- to build a leading collection of library resources in the areas of ecumenism and Orthodox theology


Current activities of the Huffington Ecumenical Institute include lectures and the annual Huffington Ecumenical Symposium, as well as strengthening our service to the Catholic and canonical Orthodox Churches of all jurisdictions throughout the region, enriching the holdings of the Loyola Marymount University library in the areas of ecumenism and Orthodox theology, and publishing the proceedings of the Huffington Symposia.


For more information about activities, events, and plans for the Huffington Ecumenical Institute, please contact: Dr. Nicholas Denysenko (Director) 310.338.2856 , or Katherine Lash (Assistant) 310.338.1917

Huffington Ecumenical Symposium on Mary

The Huffington Ecumenical Institute sponsored this event on Wednesday, November 17, 2010:
LMU theology professors Fr. Deacon Nicholas Denysenko and Rev. Fr. Dorian Llywelyn, S.J. spoke on the role and relevance of the Virgin Mary in Eastern and Western Christianity.  Orthodox and Catholic Christians have much in common in the ways they venerate Mary, but subtle differences reveal much about our understanding not only ofthe Mother, but of her Son.  Professor David A. Sánchez, Ph.D., also of Theological Studies, was the respondent.  The title link above will lead you to the Past Events page of the Web site, which links to videos of all three presentations.

Ecumentical Symposium at LMU

Huffington War and Peace

In 2011, the Huffington Ecumenical Institute presented this Symposium, which attempted to answer these questions:
In a world racked with war and violence, what do the Orthodox and Catholic traditions have to say about war and peace?  
How can we work together to create a more peaceful and just world?

The Symposium brought together major Catholic and Orthodox speakers from across the country to engage this pressing issue over two days of presentations and discussions.

A recording of this event is available at the Institute's Web site:

East-West Symposium March 5-6, 2010

The Huffington Ecumenical Institute sponsored an engaging two-day Symposium:

Women and Church, East and West:
a Catholic-Orthodox Conversation

The program included stellar guest speakers and LMU faculty, as well as both Orthodox and Catholic LMU students in dialogue, covering a wide area of concerns.

The five sessions are now available as downloadable videos from the HEI Web site.