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Modern Greek Studies: Books

This is a guide to doing research on topics relating to Modern Greek Studies

Search by Subject

Use Subject Headings you know (these must be exact!)

If subject is a name, last name first.  Note exceptions for classical and medieval geographical and honorific names.

For topical subject headings, elements must be in exact order.

NOTE: Because authors' names are transliterated from the Greek, you may have to try variant spellings to find your author.  Search LINUS by author; you'll find that the catalogers have worked to make links from various spellings to the spelling used in the catalog.

Keep it real

Your class and other students will be working on this and similar assignments. Many of them will be trying to use the same Reference (and some Main Stacks) books relevant to the papers being written. Be aware of the need to share our print resources. Try to use them in the Library, or use them quickly and return them via Circulation when you've done with them.

Please remember these simple guidelines:

  • Keep all Reference books in the Reference area. You can take a book up to make a photocopy, but please bring it back to Reference on your way out.  Don't reshelve it, just leave it on an obvious flat surface. like a counter or table top.
  • Handle books with care. These resources are meant for all to use; many can't be replaced.
  • Don't create "interference" with your neighbor's ability to see the text as it was printed. Highlighters and underlining are fine for books you purchase for yourself. Shared books need to be clean and new for every student.
  • Use thin paper bookmarks to mark your place. Pencils, pens and notebooks are not "bookmarks", and can damage any binding.

Thanks for keeping the Library alive!

Find Books at LMU

Use LINUS, the Library's catalog to find books, E-books, videos and other materials that LMU owns or has on reserve. Use the dropdown to change the kind of search you want to do (see boxes at left and right for explanations of Keyword vs. Subject Heading searches).

Request books from other libraries

LINK+ is a combined catalog of over 40 academic and public libraries throughout California and Nevada. All LMU students, staff, and faculty, can self-request books from LINK+ libraries online. (You''ll need your OneCard name and Library barcode number.)
The books are delivered to LMU at no charge to the borrower. Books arrive in 3 business days and are held at the Circulation counter for 10 days. The check out period is 21 days. NOTE: Overdue fines are $1 per day. Read more...

RESEARCH TIP:  Start your research early, so you can take advantage of LINK+!

Keyword Searches

Make a good guess and search by Keyword. You can search with a word or short phrase. You can narrow down too many results by combining your first word or phrase with another word or phrase, using AND as the connector. For example: