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MBAP 6750: Business in the International Environment

Industry Databases

What are NAICS Codes?

NAICS is the North American Industrial Classification System:

  • NAICS 2022 Codes
  • Pronounced "nakes," NAICS codes are numbers that classify industries (i.e. business activities, like types of manufacturing and services).
  • NAICS codes are hierarchical -- the longer the number, the more detailed the industry. NAICS codes are up to six digits long.
  • NAICS is the modern version of the old SIC structure.
  • NAICS is more detailed than SIC, does a much better job of covering service and technology industries, and covers all three NAFTA economies.

Examples of NAICS codes: 

51 Information
513 Broadcasting and telecommunications
5133 Telecommunications
51332 Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite)
513322 Cell phones and cell phone service

So what? NAICS make it easy to:

  • Find competitors and customers;
  • Find industry reports;
  • Benchmark finances (ex. financial ratios and the Economic Census);
  • Analyze trade data, employment trends, etc.