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Zotero for SURP

This guide will help SURP researchers learn about citation and using Zotero to organize sources.

Adding more citation styles

Your Zotero library comes pre-loaded with 13 popular citation styles including MLA, APA, and Chicago. In some instances you may find that you need an obscure or journal-specific style for your document. If this is the case you can search for and install the citation syle you need from one of the 2, 880 additional citation styles that Zotero offers. Zotero has a repository for additional citation styles here.

Finding the Full-Text from Zotero

After adding your citation to Zotero, you can always go back to the journal article record online or via the LMU library databases.

To go back to the article record online:

  1. In Zotero desktop/Standalone, go to the citation you want to see.
  2. Click on the citation to highlight the item in the library list
  3. Click the green arrow in the upper right corner of the program/application. This menu will give you options to view the article online:
    • View Online: for open access journals, you can see the article online on any network
    • Library Lookup: uses the LMU link resolver to find the item. May not work correctly with version 5.0
    • CrossRef Lookup: uses the CrossRef tool to find the item. May not work correctly in version 5.0
    • Google Scholar search: looks for article on Google Scholar. If you are on the LMU campus, you can click this and see the full text option via LMU on the right side

finding articles online in zotero

Importing citations from other citation management systems

If you are switching to Zotero from another citation management software, you can easily import your previos library to you new Zotero library. Watch the video below for step by step instructions.

For EndNote users who would like to transfer their citations AND attached PDFs you can find the instructions here.