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Culture, Art and Society: The Shaping of Los Angeles (FYS Dr. Noreen)

A library research guide designed for students in Dr. Noreen's First Year Seminar

General Databases

Art History Databases

Find Full Text

Do you have a citation for an article that you would like to find the full text for?

Follow these steps to see if LMU has access to it:

1. Start by typing the JOURNAL TITLE (note: not article title) into the journal list search box.

2. Does LMU subscribe to the journal?

Yes: Follow instructions below.

No: visit the library reference desk to ask for help. one option is to request the article from document delivery (note: can take 5 business days to arrive)

3. Look at the record for the journal that LMU subscribes to. Do we have the date of the journal issue that you need?

Yes: Keep going.

No: see above!

4. Is the date you need available in print? ---> either find on level 2 (last 12 months only), or request from the basement

5. Or online? Click one of the links that matches the date of the article you need. This should take you to a list of journals-- pick the one that matches your citation, and click through to get a table of contents, and hopefully, the full text!