Subjects: History, African American Studies, Asian and Pacific Studies, Catholic Studies, Jewish Studies
Description: Research database from EBSCOhost containing full text. Includes materials from 1964-present. Mainly focused on the United States and Canada.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Book Reviews
Subjects: History, Humanities, European Studies, Catholic Studies, Irish Studies, Peace Studies
Description: Research database from EBSCOhost containing full text. Focused on the history of the world from 1450 forward, excluding the United States and Canada.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Books; Book Chapters; E-books; Book Reviews
Each year, the LMU Library sponsors an Undergraduate Library Research Award (ULRA) to recognize and reward LMU undergraduate students whose research makes expert and creative use of the services, resources, and collections of the Hannon Library to produce a scholarly or creative work. A prize of $1,000 will be awarded to one undergraduate student, plus two honorable mentions of $450 each.