Subjects: Business
Description: Research database from ProQuest containing full text.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Popular (Non-Scholarly) Articles - Newspapers; Popular (Non-Scholarly) Articles - Magazines; Trade/Professional Articles; Company Reports; Industry Reports
Subjects: Business, Economics
Description: Research database from Euromonitor containing global market information. Includes industry, economic, and consumer statistics and analysis by country.
Contents: Company Reports; Industry Reports; Statistics / Datasets; Consumer Reports; Country Reports
Subjects: Business, Economics, and Political Science
Description: Data collection from Statista containing global data on market, industrial, and societal information.
Contents: Statistics / Datasets; Company Reports; Industry Reports; Consumer Reports
Subjects: Business, Economics, Entrepreneurship
Description: Research database containing a collection of industry market research and industry risk ratings on over 1300 U.S. industries.
Contents: Industry Reports; Industry Ratios; Market Share Reports
NAICS is the North American Industrial Classification System:
Examples of NAICS codes:
51 Information
513 Broadcasting and telecommunications
5133 Telecommunications
51332 Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite)
513322 Cell phones and cell phone service
So what? NAICS make it easy to: