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Annotated Bibliographies: A Step by Step Guide

Learn how to create an annotated bibliography.

Examples: Styles and Annotations

The following are examples of annotated bibliography entries in different style formats. Your topic, your scope, and your assignment will dictate what information you need to include in your entries. The tone, level of detail, and so forth will differ according to your own criteria and purpose.

LA style entry (Literature)*


Martz, Louis L. "Donne, Herbert, and the Worm of Controversy."
       Early Modern Literary Studies. Special Issue 7 (May, 2001): 2.1-28
Compares the religious beliefs and attitudes of George Herbert and John Donne, especially as they relate to the tension between the Church of England and the strict Calvinists. Both Herbert's and Donne's poems, as well as Donne's sermons, are utilized as evidence. Among Martz's conclusions is that the populace's attraction to Herbert and Donne indicated the discomfort felt towards the more extreme iconoclastic and anti-sacramental elements of Puritan militants. Useful for those interested in the religious aspects of these poets' work and their times.


*Note that the entire entry, including both citation and annotation, are to be double-spaced in MLA format.


APA style entry (Social Sciences)


Hernandez-Flores, R.A. (1999). Social misunderstanding: A manual
     (2nd ed.). Calexico, CA: Sierra Padres Press.
        A general guide on language, gestures, eye-contact and other basics
        for social workers, teachers, writers and people in general in both
        social and academic settings. Provides rationale to rules so the user
        can understand the principles of oral and written communication within
        socially diverse contexts, with intelligence and focus. Includes tips on
        interviewing, surveying, written and oral exams, editing, sales
        approaches, and adjusting body signals and language.

University of Chicago style entry (Art History, Theology, Humanities)


Mueller, Laura. Western Art: A Critical Survey. Chicago:
   GoodLion Press, 2001.
    Laura Mueller is a long-time lecturer in both art and literature. In this
    book, Mueller's experience is evident as she guides the reader through a
    combination of close observation of individual art works and a clearly
    organized systematic review of major schools and themes in Western art.
    The scope is wide, including sculpture, jewelry, and architecture, as well
    as the main focus on painting. Watercolor is treated alongside the
    numerous oils, pastels and mixed media. Although printmaking is not a
    usual focus of such books, Mueller makes an exception for the major
    contributors, like Durer, Rembrandt, Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso.
    Along with her book on Ukiyo-E Japanese prints, this book shows a
    profound depth of analysis, but in an amazingly clear style which would
    benefit the general reader along with the more knowledgeable. Some art
    history surveys can be tedious, but this one comes through as exciting,
    personal and profound.

CBE entry (Science)


Wankat, Philip and Frank S. Oreovicz. Teaching Engineering. New York:
      McGraw-Hill, 1993.  
      How does one teach a field as wide and varied and changeable as
      engineering? Wankat and Oreovicz do a thorough job in outlining and
      explaining all phases of teaching, from measuring unit content to
      presentation style to exam design to grading.  The authors combine their
      theoretical background in pedagogy with very practical and down-to-
      earth suggestions for improving a teacher's effectiveness and
      relationship to students. Many engineering classes are taught by
      full-time practitioners, who may not have a background in teaching.
      This book would go a long way to improving the lot of both such an
      instructor and her/his students. Engineering may change, but good
      teaching is always good teaching.

Examples of Annotated Bibliographies