Update: January 20, 2025
If you need to request or change your instruction, please email Samantha or Elisa directly.
Scheduling questions? Contact:
Samantha Blanco, Reference and Instruction Assistant, at samantha.blanco@lmu.edu
Elisa Acosta, Liaison Librarian for Rhetorical Arts, at elisa.acosta@lmu.edu.
If you are following the Common Syllabus then the best time to request library instruction is sometime during week 2-10. Library instruction usually takes a whole class period (50-60 minutes depending on the length of your class).
Why do I have to bring my class to the library for instruction?
Short Answer: It's required!
Long Answer: The course criteria for Rhetorical Arts was voted on and approved by LMU faculty. The course criteria for Rhetorical Arts states, "Assign at least 10% of the final course grade on the basis of information literacy with a librarian-led workshop and one or more course-integrated assignments."
Rhetorical Arts questions? Comments? Contact:
Elisa Acosta, Reference & Instruction Librarian for Education (and current Liaison to the Rhetorical Arts Program) at elisa.acosta@lmu.edu.