The Rhetorical Arts course fosters articulate expression, critical thinking, and moral reflection, enabling students to engage in written and oral public debate with persuasive force and stylistic excellence.
from Rhetorical Arts Criteria 2012
The Library taught required in-person information literacy sessions to 100% of all eighty-four Rhetorical Arts sections. 1,595 students received information literacy instruction in their Rhetorical Arts course.
The Library also surveyed all Rhetorical Arts instructors who taught a RHET 1000 course in the fall in order to assess the library instruction and library support materials for the course. Twenty Rhetorical Arts instructors participated in this survey. 89% of respondents encouraged their students to use the RHET 1000 LibGuide (research guide) to help with information literacy assignments, and 83% agreed that the information on the LibGuide was helpful for completing course assignments. 100% of the respondents agreed the process for scheduling a library visit was clear, and 89% thought the library instruction was at least somewhat valuable in helping students complete course assignments. 33% want more emphasis placed on citing sources during the library visit.