Impact factor is a metric used to evaluate the importance of a journal to its discipline or field. It measures how often scholars and researchers have cited articles in a particular journal in the most recent two years and is calculated by dividing the number times articles were cited by the total number of articles published in that same journal for the time period. Journal impact factor only applies to a journal or groups of journals and cannot be used to measure the impact of individual articles or researchers and should only be used to compare journals in the same subject area.
Subjects: MANY
Description: General data collection from Thomson Reuters. Allows for the evaluation and comparison of scholarly and technical journals using citation data to determine the most frequently cited, highest impact, and largest journals in a field.
Contents: Citation Reports
Citation Analysis
You may be interested in seeing how many times a particular work has been cited by other researchers. Citation analysis is a quantifiable way to measure the academic output and impact of an article or an author based on the number of times these works or authors have been cited by others. There are several different tools that can be used to explore citation metrics:
Subjects: MANY
Description: General research database containing links to other information sources. Includes materials from 1900-present. Provides access to the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index from 1975-present.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles
Traditional citation-based metrics are one way to measure the impact of your work. But it's not the only way. Here are some limitations of citation-based metrics:
Altmetrics, or alternative metrics, are measures of social and public impact of research that complement traditional citation-based measures. Altmetrics aim to measure web and social media-based scholarly interactions. Examples of types of altmetrics include:
Why use altmetrics?
What are the limitations of altmetrics?