The databases listed below are the primary places to search for scholarly journal articles in Environmental Studies:
Subjects: Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Urban Studies
Description: General research database from Gale Cengage Learning containing full text.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Popular (Non-Scholarly) Articles - Newspapers; Popular (Non-Scholarly) Articles - Magazines; Conference Proceedings
Subjects: Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Urban Studies
Description: General research database from EBSCOhost containing full text. Includes scholarly, government, and general-interest sources covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations, and governments.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles; Books; Book Reviews; Industry Reports
The databases listed below are excellent places to search for scholarly sources on topics that span multiple disciplines:
Subjects: Business, Economics
Description: A collection of objective, fact-based research from the world’s leading policy experts, think tanks, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Contents: Industry Ratios; Industry Reports; Primary Sources
Subjects: MANY
Description: General research database containing links to other information sources. Includes materials from 1900-present. Provides access to the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index from 1975-present.
Contents: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles