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Revitalizing Instruction Through Active Learning and Assessment

Presentation at the Catholic Library Association 2016 Conference in San Diego, CA

Cephalonian Method

The cephalonian method is a method of active learning for library orientation first made popular in the United Kingdom at Cardiff University. Introduced to a wider audience in 2004 by Linda Davies and Nigel Morgan, the method consists of giving the students at a library orientation class cards with prepared questions they are to ask during the session for the instructor to answer. Questions are grouped into categories and colour coded to provide some structure; the order of the questions in any section is based on the order the students choose to stand up which makes the sessions more random and reduces the repetitive nature of library induction / orientation. The name is taken from a method used for orientation of tourists at a popular resort in Cefalonia. - wikipedia

USD Example

Distribute colored (blue, purple, yellow, green) post-it notes with pre-written questions. Each post-it note will have one question. In large classes not all students will receive a post-it note. Similar questions are grouped by color. Students will direct the library instruction by asking questions that the instructor will answer and demonstrate.

 How do I find a book?

How are the books arranged?

How do I request a book?

What if Copley doesn’t have the book I need?

How do I set up text message alerts to let me know when the books are due?

How much are late fines?

Where should I search for articles?

Do I have to go to the library to get articles?

I’m not finding relevant results. What am I doing wrong?

How do I make sure the article is scholarly?

How do I get the article if the full-text isn’t there?

Should I check the box to limit to only full-text articles?

I need help with APA style!

I need help with writing my paper.

LMU Example


PowerPoint Hint:  Make sure that question 1 = slide 1, question 2 = slide 2, etc.  When the student is done reading the Question Card, ask for the question number, for example Question 19.  The librarian types "19" then the "Enter" key. The PowerPoint will advance to slide 19. The Question Cards are read in random order.

Question Card

PowerPoint Slide