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POLS 2100: Empirical Approaches

How to Read a Scholarly Article


"Academic journals are periodicals in which researchers publish their work. They are typically peer-reviewed journals, meaning that the work is reviewed and evaluated by other scholars prior to publication in an effort to ensure that only the best, most rigorously researched articles are published. Journal articles offer a window into the inner workings of a discipline. They demonstrate how social scientists formulate hypotheses, design empirical studies, analyze the observations they collect, and interpret their results."   (Laubepin 2013)


Empirical journal articles generally follow a standardized format.

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methods & Data
  • Results
  • Discussion & Conclusion
  • References

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Let’s look at the following articles.  Is it an empirical article or not?

Yes, this is an empirical article: 0 votes (0%)
No: 5 votes (100%)
Total Votes: 5
Yes, this is an empirical article: 4 votes (100%)
No: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 4
Yes, this is an empirical article: 1 votes (25%)
No: 3 votes (75%)
Total Votes: 4
Yes, this is an empirical article: 1 votes (25%)
No: 3 votes (75%)
Total Votes: 4
Yes, this is an empirical article: 3 votes (75%)
No: 1 votes (25%)
Total Votes: 4

Video: Understanding Peer Review