Subjects: Business, Economics, International Relations
Description: Research database containing country-specific intelligence and data. Includes up-to-date demographic, political, economic, business, cultural and environmental information for each country.
Contents: Popular (Non-Scholarly) Articles - Newspapers; Statistics / Datasets; Country Reports
Subjects: Business, Economics
Description: Research database from Euromonitor containing global market information. Includes industry, economic, and consumer statistics and analysis by country.
Contents: Company Reports; Industry Reports; Statistics / Datasets; Consumer Reports; Country Reports
Subjects: Business, Economics, and Political Science
Description: Data collection from Statista containing global data on market, industrial, and societal information.
Contents: Statistics / Datasets; Company Reports; Industry Reports; Consumer Reports
Subjects: MANY
Description: Research database from containing up-to-date geopolitical analysis.
Contents: Country Reports, Country Forecasts, News
Compare countries on Hofstede's six cultural dimensions.
Compiles information on countries from a wide variety of governmental and nongovernmental resources.
Covers 10 specific freedoms such as trade freedom, business freedom, investment freedom, and property rights in 184 countries.
Foreign direct investment statistics.
via ABI/INFORM Complete
Business risk assessment by country.
Vizala aims to be the internet's most useful database for country, demographic, social, and economic information.
The U.S. Department of State's mission is to protect and promote U.S. security, prosperity, and democratic values and shape an international environment in which all Americans can thrive. Access information on U.S. relations with Spain and Portugal.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 190 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library is the main research arm of the U.S. This special collection provides access to country reports.
Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries and territories, and background on key institutions. They also include audio and video clips from BBC archives.
The World Factbook presents the basic realities about the world in which we live in and is one of the U.S. Government’s most accessed publications.
UNdata is a web-based data service for the global user community. It brings international statistical databases within easy reach of users through a single-entry point. Users can search and download a variety of statistical resources compiled by the United Nations (UN) statistical system and other international agencies.
The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development.
The Culture Crossing Guide is an evolving database of cross-cultural information about every country in the world. This user-built guide allows people from all walks of life to share essential tips with each other about how to navigate our increasingly borderless world with savvy and sensitivity.
This is your source for statistical data for nearly every country around the world. In addition to statistics, historical, economic, and political conditions are available; use our Executive Memos for fingertip access to current information and the globalEDGE network to locate members in each country.
The KOF Globalisation Index measures the economic, social and political dimensions of globalisation.
The key tables by country statistical profiles include a wide range of indicators on economy, education, energy, environment, foreign aid, health, information and communication, labour, migration, R&D, trade and society.