It's necessary to take care of yourself in order to deal with daily stress and challenges of the end of the semester finals. According to an article posted on Very Well Mind, many people see self-care as a "luxury." It shouldn't be! Remember to take care of yourself during these stressful times. So, here are a few tips.
- Getting enough sleep
- Taking care of your physical health: Listen to your body!
- Eating enough and eating right
- Stay hydrated: Drink some water
- Getting up and moving: According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a 10-minute walk may relieve as much stress as 45-minutes of rigorous exercise. A walk may also help you clear your mind and refocus so that you can get a fresh look at the topic at hand.
- Call or FaceTime a friend or loved one to check in and see how they're doing
- Hug a loved one or a pet (if you have one), but also respect their boundaries
- If meeting up in-person, follow social distancing guidelines and wear a mask
- Do activities that stimulate your brain (e.g. crossword puzzles, reading, games)
- Enjoy something that inspires you
- Limit your social media time and news exposure
- Laughter is often good medicine
- Pray or meditate
- Connect with nature: Spend a few minutes outdoors
- Do yoga or stretches
- Practice self-compassion, kindness and gratitude
- Set healthy boundaries for yourself: Boundaries can provide healthy rules for navigating relationships, intimate or professional
- Say kind and gentle things to yourself and engage in compassionate acts of self-care
- Find healthy outlets to express your emotions (e.g. art, music, writing, sports)
- Talk to a trusted friend or loved one with how you feel, or talk to a therapist
- Declutter one small space at a time. A tidy mind is an efficient mind!
- Create and manage a budget to reduce financial stress
- Give yourself enough time to complete tasks and assignments