Derwent Innovations Index is a database of patents with access to US and international patents, including translated abstracts and titles. A great starting place for patent research, due to the comprehensive coverage and keyword-style search feature.
The USPTO provides free access to all US patents, patent applications, and trademarks through its website. To access issued patents, use the PatFT database. To access patent applications, use the AppFT database. And for trademarks, use the TESS database.
In the United States, the US Patent and Trademark Office designates at least one Patent and Trademark Resource Center per state. California has multiple! Each PTRC provides access to some physical patents and specialized patent databases, PubEast and PubWest, hosted by the USPTO. The closest PRTC is at the Los Angeles Public Library.
A site to search and analysis patent data across literature types including patents, scholarly works, and patent sequence data. Patents are pulled from multiple organizations including the USPTO, European Patent Office (EPO), and WIPO.
Created by the USPTO, PatentsView is a tool to analyze, visualize, and disseminate patent data. Patent data can be analyzed and visualized within PatentsView, or used externally through the API and bulk download features.