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Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)

Web of Science: Following the Scholarly Conversation

  • Learn about a research database to assist with your research.
  • Follow the "scholarly conversation" via citation chasing and cited reference searching.

What is citation chasing?

When you find an article or book that is perfect for your research, pay attention to what is being cited in it. Most likely, those sources will also have good information for your research. When you find one great source, always browse the reference list and make note of the other sources that will also be a good fit for your research.

Times Cited, Cited References, Related Records


Times Cited or Citations:  Navigate forward in time using Times Cited to discover a paper’s impact on current research.

Cited References or References:  Navigate backward in time using cited references to uncover authors’ previous influences. (What you would think of as a traditional bibliography)


Related Records:  are ranked according to the number of references they share with the parent record.

Articles that cite the same works have a subject relationship, regardless of whether their titles, abstracts, or keywords contain the same terms. The more cited references two articles share, the closer this subject relationship is. Related Records is an excellent way of finding "more like this" articles.



Citation Analysis (Tracking)

Citation Analysis or citation tracking is a way to see the impact of an article in its field.  Also, it's a great way to use a "landmark" or influential article to find more recent, related articles that cite the landmark article. Search in Google Scholar or Web of Science to see if your source has been cited by others!

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