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Accelerating Academic Research with AI - GAIL Conference '24

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Our Presentation Abstract:

The emergence of generative AI has revolutionized the way we approach research, offering powerful tools to streamline and enhance the research process. This presentation aims to provide librarians with a comprehensive overview of the most prominent AI research tools, empowering them to effectively support diverse researchers and students in leveraging these technologies. We will introduce a curated selection of AI-powered research tools, including Elicit, Litmaps, Perplexity, Research Rabbit, Scite, Connected Papers, and Consensus. 

Throughout the presentation, we will conduct a comparative analysis of the tools and evaluate each tool across various criteria, including relevance, ease of use, assessing DEIA, currency, transparency and accessibility to highlight their strengths, limitations, and potential applications in different research contexts. 

To ensure an engaging and inclusive learning experience, the presentation will incorporate interactive elements, such as polls, interactive whiteboards, and digital worksheets. We will provide resources and materials in accessible formats to encourage participation from attendees with diverse backgrounds and experiences. 

Presentation Resources

REACT Activity: Generative AI Tool Excel Template

Score Card: Evaluating and Assessing a Generative AI Tool

REACT Framework- Accessible Version