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Library Assessment Committee


“The Library envisions a vibrant and engaged community at its helm, devoted, through ongoing, meaningful, and manageable practices, to understanding and improving the experience and the learning of the students, faculty, staff, and community members who utilize the Library’s services, collections, and spaces”

  1. By gathering meaningful evidence about the effectiveness of Library services and spaces we can make better decisions about their design and how to allocate resources.
  2. By creating an environment in which employees in all areas and at all levels are encouraged to engage in questions of whether and how the Library is achieving its stated goals.
  3. By working to build manageable and meaningful assessment projects into the everyday workings of multiple areas of our institution, we can shape a culture in which Library Assessment is an inclusive and unintimidating practice.


Library Assessment Committee

The Library Assessment Committee is charged as a standing committee, which plans and coordinates assessment activities within the William H. Hannon Library, including:

  • Initiate library assessment efforts;
  • Provide support, as needed, for assessment efforts conducted by other library staff;
  • Develop expertise and understanding of assessment measures and techniques and share these with library staff;
  • Foster a culture of assessment within the library;
  • Maintain a repository of assessment data and reports.


When you think of assessment, what words come to mind?

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