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HIST 4433: Health and Disease in American Culture

Library Resources for Health and Disease in American Culture

Image courtesy of National Archives and Records Adminstration, Regional History Digital Collection "The Deadly Virus: the Influenza Epidemic of 1918."
Typist wearing surgical mask, New York City, October 16, 1918.


Welcome! This guide was created to help LMU students find and use library resources for HIST 4433: Health and Disease in American Culture with Professor Bittel.  




Course Info


Fall 2019 - Tuesdays, 4:20-7:20 pm , UNH 3222


Tuesdays, 10-11 pm & Thursdays, 3-5 pm, and by appointment. (UNH 3428)


Professor Bittel's Homepage

History Department Website

Library Homepage

Special Collections

Library Reserves

myLMU Connect

Undergraduate Research Award

Each year, the LMU Library sponsors an Undergraduate Library Research Award (ULRA) to recognize and reward LMU undergraduate students whose research makes expert and creative use of the services, resources, and collections of the Hannon Library to produce a scholarly or creative work. A prize of $1,000 will be awarded to one undergraduate student, plus two honorable mentions of $450 each.