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World Religions Resources: Other useful resources

This LibGuide is an introduction to resources for the study of the major world religions.

Tools and Treats

Chicago Style

This manual is available in an online version. LMU only

[Note: 16th edition NEW in Fall, 2010; online version will access both 16th and 15th eds.]

Citing Sacred Texts

Here are some segments of the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., relevant for Biblical and other Sacred Scripture references.  Remember, you'll need to use your MyLMU name and password to access from off campus. 

Scriptural references for various religions, 8.102–3.

See also religious works   

Biblical citations:

    abbreviations in, 10.45–51

    chapter and verse, 14.253

    punctuation of, 6.609.27

    resources on, 14.252

    versions of Bible in, 14.254

Biblical references are given in numerals only; chapter and verse are separated by a colon with no space following it. For abbreviations, see 10.45–51.


Hispanic Qur'an

Page from a manuscript from Al-Andalus,

12 cent. Sura 15 : Al-Hijr.

Thicker letters in Kufic calligraphy

Source: Wikipedia Commons