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Revitalizing Instruction Through Active Learning and Assessment

Presentation at the Catholic Library Association 2016 Conference in San Diego, CA


Formative Assessment

  • Assessment that takes place while teaching and learning are ongoing; designed to make continuous improvement
  • Discussing responses from Google Forms  in class; modifying instruction on-the-spot

Summative Assessment

  • Assessment that takes place after teaching and learning come to an end; designed to be a final evaluation
  • Rubric


*The rubric is from 2015 and the Google Form is from 2016.  That's why they don't match.  We are still revising the 2016 rubric.

Definitions from:
Oakleaf, M. (2009). The information literacy instruction assessment cycle: A guide for increasing student learning and improving librarian instructional skills. Journal Of Documentation, 65(4), 539-560.


Google Forms 2016


Example - Rhetorical Arts


Example - Political Rhetorical Arts (recycle this for an 11th grade U.S. History class)

1968 Democratic National Convention - class simulation. Each student plays a role: politician, protestor or journalist.


Low-Tech Example - Business

No Google Form, discussion only. Nataly, the business librarian, asks groups to share what they found.


Google Forms 2015


Google Form is linked to Google Spreadsheet



More Rubrics